Entries are accepted beginning July 1st!
All livestock entries are due to the fair office by August 1st!
You have the option to either enter online beginning July 1st, or by submitting a paper entry to the fair office by 4pm August 1st. Livestock online entries close at 11:59 pm on August 1st.
Livestock entries may be rejected due to space availability as determined by the department superintendent. Entries are filled as received.
Exhibitor Timeline
- AUGUST 1st
- 8:00 am: Campsite Reservations open in Fair Office (see full rules & regulations listed below)
- All Open Class Livestock Entries Due
- Barns will be open and ready for bedding down from NOON – 7:00 pm (no animals Tuesday.)
- Camping spaces will be marked and ready for camper arrival after 5:00 pm Tuesday. Double check to make sure you are parked in the correct space before placing camper or you will need to eventually move. (See more info & layout below)
- Animal arrival may begin NO SOONER THAN 9:00 am WEDNESDAY.
4-H may require animals to arrive by a certain time on Wednesday – please check with 4-H for that information. There are no public fair events held Wednesday.
- Animal arrival may begin NO SOONER THAN 9:00 am WEDNESDAY.
- All animals are required to be settled in place & ready for the public by 9:00 am THURSDAY, opening day of the fair.
- NEW TIME: All exhibits must remain in place until 7:00 pm release on Sunday.
Exhibitor’s Book and Entry Forms
The Open Class Exhibitor’s Book (premium book) is a listing of various departments, classes & lots that can be entered in for competition.
As of 7/31/24: “Due to the high number of quality poultry and dairy exhibits present at our McLeod County Fair each year, the McLeod County Agricultural Association is taking the proactive approach to not have lactating dairy cattle present at the 2024 fair to help minimize our risks of transmission of the H5N1/ Avian Influenza virus while participating in exhibition at our event, as recommended by our Fair Vet and communications with McLeod County 4-H and superintendents.”
Additional Information
Vehicle & Trailer Parking Info
This information is also listed on Page 4 of the Exhibitor’s Premium Book:
Market Street Gate
- “Pass Only” gate and will be open for your convenience during the busiest times at our main gates.
- Gates will be locked at 9:00 am each day and re-opened from 4:00-8:00 pm each evening. The gate will be open for extended hours on Sunday from NOON – 8:00 pm for your convenience bringing in trailers and moving out campers throughout the day.
Vehicle Parking
- Livestock Vehicle passes are no longer needed for parking in the East parking lot.
- No parking vehicles next to barns to allow adequate space for livestock traffic and access to barns.
(If you have a camping space – see trailer parking info included under Camping)
- No trailer parking within the Fairgrounds Thursday-Saturday of Fair unless within a camper space.
- Any trailers remaining Thursday will be removed at the owner’s expense. Trailers may begin parking in the lot on Sunday.
- If trailers are not taken home, there is parking space designated in the field to the southeast of the grandstand fence for your use (signage will direct you). Trailers do not need to be registered at the fair office and will have no specific parking spaces.
- Trailers can be accessed at any time by using the grandstand pit access road. Parking is for your convenience and is not located within the fenced in property of the fairgrounds – you are liable for your trailer/contents.
- It is important that your trailer drivers understand the traffic flow to avoid congestion:
- During load in/out on Wednesday/Sunday, use the Market Street gate for trailer traffic. Keep to the right and circle in a counter-clockwise rotation, exiting the Market Street gate when unloaded/loaded.See map on the website or the fair office for reference.
- Do not park in a way that will block the flow of traffic or access to vehicles or trailers. If possible, lead your animals to/from your parked trailer to help avoid congestion along livestock buildings and the roadway.
Exhibitor Camping
This information is also listed on Page 4 of the Exhibitor’s Premium Book (updated 7/26/24):
Camping on the grounds is limited to livestock exhibitors and fair board members. All campers must be pre-registered in the fair office. Camping space is limited to the first 46 campers registered (and fills fast that morning.) Registration opens in the fair office on Tuesday, August 1 at 8:00 am. Only 1 Campsite Reservation per person at registration and NO GROUP RESERVATIONS. If you call the office or leave a phone message to reserve your space, the people in line at the office will be helped first. A camping fee of $80.00/camper and signed agreement is needed to reserve a space. Only one camping unit allowed per campsite. No water or electrical hookups. Camping spaces are 25’x40’. Campers must provide their own personal quiet generator to fulfill any power needs. The McLeod County Agricultural Association is not liable for any accidents and assumes no liability with incidents associated with campers or any individuals involved.
- Camping spaces will be marked and ready for camper arrival after 5:00 pm Tuesday. Double check to make sure you are parked in the correct space before placing camper or you will need to eventually move.
- If have a camping space, a livestock trailer may be parked on site. Trailers must fit within your 25’ wide space with your camper.
- Vehicle Parking: The fair is not liable for ensuring that vehicles do not park in front of your camper spaces. Spaces are only marked out to specify the width of the space, not length. Length not guaranteed.
- The Minnesota Department of Health has requested that a minimum separation distance of 7 feet be maintained between the sides of adjacent recreational camping vehicles. Therefore, each camper must stay 3.5 feet away from the dividing lines on each side of your 25’ wide space. This includes steps and slide outs. A trailer parked along-side your camper is not included in the 7’ distance, but must stay within the lines of your space to allow neighboring camper doors to open, etc. Please be respectful to your neighboring campers.
Important Electrical Requirements
The county will be strictly enforcing the following requirements regarding extension cords used in all livestock barns during the fair, and should be followed by all exhibitors:
- All extension cords must be at least 12 gauge or larger Type G, PPE, S, SE, SEO, SEOO, SC, SCE, SCT, SO, SOO, ST, STO, STOO, W or other types identified for extra-hard usage and must be of the grounding type.
- Extension cords must also be three-wire flexible.
- No lightweight (2 wire) extension cords or “zip” cords (18 gauge or smaller) may be used anywhere.
- Octopus plugs and two-wire extension cords often create a fire hazard and will be removed if found in use during an event.
- Cables with a “J” in the type designation (Such as Type SJT) are not permitted.
MN Board of Animal Health Resources
Departments and Superintendents
Department 2: Draft Horses
- Superintendent: Keith Tongen
- Assistant: Larry Tongen
Department 3: Horses & Ponies
- Superintendent: Keith Tongen
- Horse Committee: Kendra Zander & Cindy Dolezal
Department 4: Dairy
- Superintendent: Doug Tuman
Assistants: Tim Albrecht and Scott Rickeman
Department 5: Sheep
- Superintendent: Gary Asche
Department 6: Goats
- Superintendent: Gary Asche
- Assistant: Paula Frick
Department 7: Beef
- Superintendent: Lana Lange
- Assistant: Samantha Tersteeg
Department 8: Poultry
- Superintendent: Paul Merkins
- Assistant: Jerry Schimelpfenig
Department 9: Pigeons
- Superintendent: Paul Merkins
Department 10: Rabbits
- Superintendent: Paul Merkins